Monday, September 7, 2009

Second Year Jitters

My second year of seminary study, also known as middler year, begins this week. Tuesday and Wednesday this week our class will be debriefing on our internship experiences. I am excited to learn more about what my colleagues experienced in their pastoral intern roles this summer.

I will continue working at Rehoboth Presbyterian as their part time director of outreach and fellowship. I will follow up with visitors and prospective members and help them to plug into the life of the church. I am also excited about beginning to plant some small groups for small group ministry. I am excited for the opportunity to continue building relationship with them in this time of transition.

My classes this semester are Hebrew, Theology, and Pastoral Care. The Old Testament as we have it today was originally written in ancient Hebrew. The language is read from right to left and looks like hieroglyphics to me! I am trusting I will learn quickly and do fine...I will also be a reading assistant to the new students in the Scripture Reading Practicum class. In other words I will be a model reader for the class sections to help them develop skills for the public reading of Scripture. I love this part of worship and am thrilled to be a part of this as well.

My latest news is I travel to Charlotte this week to meet with my Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM). I have my annual consultation and also interview for candidacy towards ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Please keep our journey in your prayers.

Blessings on your Fall....